Morgen (8 september) is het International Literacy Day.
Verspreid de informatie. Het is een heel belangrijk doel dat met deze dag bereikt moet worden. Zie hieronder informatie die je kan verspreiden. gebruik je eigen kanalen!
Ik ga naar de bijeenkomst van UNESCO ‘Literacy in a digital world’. Zie ook hier
This year, International Literacy Day (8 September) will be celebrated across the world under the theme of ‘Literacy in a digital world’. On 8 September, 2017 a global event will be organized at UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris, with the overall aim to look at what kind of literacy skills people need to navigate increasingly digitally-mediated societies, and to explore effective literacy policies and programmes that can leverage the opportunities that the digital world provides.
We would like to provide you with relevant information about literacy and encourage you to visit our ILD website to find relevant publications and resources on literacy in relation to this year’s theme. As every year, UNESCO’s library provides special access to all literacy publications, find more information on the ILD webpage.
Fact sheet on literacy from UNESCO Institute for Statistics
As every year, UNESCO Institute of Statistics provide an updated fact sheet on literacy, an e-Atlas and a specially dedicated webpage for International Literacy Day. We also provide direct access through our ILD webpage to these valuable resources.