Ton souvenir est comme un livre bien aimé qu’on lit sans cesse et qui jamais n’est refermé
( Your memory is like a well-loved book that one reads incessantly and never closes)
On August 12, 2017 Anne Godenir, died (1964-2017).
We know her as a person who worked very hard to improve adult literacy in the French speaking part of Belgium.
Anne was a good friend, member of IDEC and FELA and the president of the
ABLF Association belge pour le lecture – section francophone.
On behalf of IDEC & Fela Jeroen Clemens (Netherlands) and Ariana – Stanca Văcăreţu (Romania) attended the funeral and paid respect to the family. From the ABLF Patricia Schillings and several colleagues were there.
We have lost a very dear friend. Anne, you will always be in our minds.
Our thoughts are with Xavier, her partner, her children and the family and close friends.