On September, 8 the UNESCO International Conference on ‘Literacy in a digital world’ takes place at the UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France.
I’m honored to be invited to attent this conference, as a representative of Elinet and as an expert on digital literacy.
Objectives of the International Conference
- Definition: To deepen our understanding of what kinds of literacy skills people need to thrive in a digital world.
- Practice: To share and analyze promising programmes that advance literacy in a digital world.
- Risks and responses: To better understand the emergent risks – such as inequality, privacy concerns and threats to diversity – and develop associated responses in promoting literacyin a digital world.
- Monitoring and assessment: To explore digital developments for monitoring and assessing literacy, both nationally and regionally, including new opportunities presented by big data.
On the same day there is the UNESCO International Literacy Prizes Awards Ceremony, which I will attent too.
One day earlier on 7 September the Core Group of the Global Alliance for Literacy within the Framework of Lifelong Learning (GAL) will hold a one-day meeting. I’m invited to participate in this meeting as an observer.