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New Elinet Association & Thematic Working Group Digital Literacy


This post is bilingual,  English & Nederlands
Elinet, de European Literacy Policy Network, heeft op de 20th European Literacy Conference, besloten te veranderen van een instituut waarvan alleen ‘legal bodies’ lid waren in een Elinet Association, waar individuele experts de belangrijkste leden zijn. Ik ben gevraagd lid te worden van de Thematic Working Group (TWG) Digital Literacy.  ” Full members are individuals working in the area of literacy. They have a vote at the annual General Assembly (GA) and are eligible for the (EC).  Bekijk hier de doelen en plannen.

Go English version


Ik ben gevraagd lid te worden van de Thematic Working Group (TWG) Digital Literacy. En ik ben blij dat te mogen doen

De website van Elinet zal binnenkort worden aangevuld met informatie over het symposium in Madrid.  De visie van Elinet is “that everyone in Europa shall be literate. The term ‘literacy’ covers all forms of reading and writing (written communication) in print and digital media.” In Elinet werkt een grote groep Europese landen samen om dit doel te bereiken. Ook publiceerde Elinet een European Declaration of the Right to Literacy. Elinet heeft, met subsidie van de EU vanuit het Lifelong Learning Programme onderzoek gedaan.

Ik was een van de founding members (en de enige founding father). Het is een nieuwe en veelbelovende uitdaging. Ik hou jullie op de hoogte.





English version

On the 20th European Literacy Conference, Elinet,  European Literacy Policy Network, had his own symposium. On July 5th, Elinet changed from an institution were only legal bodies were members into an Elinet Association, were individual experts will be the preferred members. Full members are individuals working in the area of literacy. They have a vote at the annual General Assembly (GA) and are eligible for the executive committee (EC). Look here for more details  


I was invited to become a member of the Thematic Working Group (TWG) Digital Literacy. I’m glad to contribute to this working group.

The vision of Elinet is “that everyone in Europa shall be literate. The term ‘literacy’ covers all forms of reading and writing (written communication) in print and digital media.” There is a large group of European countries collaborating in Elinet. Elinet published the European Declaration of the Right to Literacy.and did research with grants from the European Union,  Lifelong Learning Programme.
The Elinet website will be updated soon and give all the information about the new association and the symposium in Madrid.

I was one of  the founding members of Elinet Network (and the only founding father). Its a new and promising challenge. I keep you informed.

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