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Call for Contributions to International ELINET Symposium 2018 “Literacy in the 21st Century: Participation – Inclusion – Equity”.


Call for Contributions (deadline by February 28th) to International ELINET Symposium 2018 “Literacy in the 21st Century: Participation – Inclusion – Equity” July 23-24, 2018, Cologne, Germany
For more details on programme click here or go to the website

ELINET Association (European Literacy Policy Network) & University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Christine Garbe, Chair of ELINET Association; University of Cologne, Germany

The ELINET Association will host an International Symposium for Improving Literacy Policies and Practices across Europe from July 23rd -24th 2018 in Cologne.

Literacy is an essential prerequisite for all kinds of learning and human development. It enables people to live full and meaningful lives, and to contribute towards the enrichment of the communities in which we live. By literacy we mean the ability to read and write at a level whereby individuals can effectively understand and use written communication in all media (print or electronic), including digital literacy. In the knowledge-based societies of the 21st Century, the rapid spread of new technologies and a constantly changing work environment, literacy learning is no longer limited to childhood and adolescence but must be recognised as a lifelong need and requirement.

The two day symposium will offer various opportunities to share ideas and perspectives on current and future literacy issues around participation, inclusion and equity. The symposium strives to produce outcomes in terms of statements on key-questions for the future, and policy statements.

Participants are invited to share their research and good practices and to contribute to
1) Thematic Sessions I & II (contribution of 15 minutes, abstract max. 300 words) for the following topics:
I: Early literacy teaching: Skills, teaching practices and professional development. (Chair: Renate Valtin / Eufimia Tafa)
II: Teaching disciplinary literacy in all subjects – new research and practices (Chair: Sari Sulkunnen)
III: “Make every teacher a teacher of literacy” – new approaches in teacher education and professional development. (Chair: Christine Garbe)
IV: The Effective Integration of Migrants into the Education System: challenges and solutions (Chair: Viv Bird)
V: European Education and Lifelong Learning Networks Round Table: exploring a common agenda and future policy messages (Chair: Viv Bird)
VI: Digital Literacy Frameworks: how to equip citizens with needed skills for the 21st Century (Chair: Fabio Nascimbeni)
VII: Language teaching in the digital age (Chair: Jeroen Clemens)
VIII: International Literacy Assessments: Analyzing the results of PIRLS 2016 (Chairs: William G. Brozo / Gerry Shiel)
IX: The Gender Gap in Literacy: How to engage boys? (Chairs: William G. Brozo / Christine Garbe)
Please note that you are free to suggest additional sections to other topics with four or six contributions (60 Minutes or 90 Minutes)!

2) Poster Sessions “Literacy and participation, inclusion and equity” (Abstract max. 250 word) for
a) Literacy Research Projects
b) Good Practice Projects across all age groups
Selected posters will be publicly exhibited for the duration of the symposium and presenters introduce their project to the audience during two parallel poster sessions (one focussing on research, the other one on good practice) in 3 Min presentations on Monday (16.30 – 17.30).

3) Science Slam (Abstract 250 words)
Participate in the Young Researcher ́s and Professional ́s Literacy Slam competition and win the “Literacy Slam Award 2018” of 1.000 Euro! Present a short and appealing contribution on this topic: ‘Facing the challenge of heterogeneous populations and closing the gaps. How can literacy teaching and learning for all improve the lives and opportunities for marginal groups such as migrants and other traditionally excluded groups?’
In this format we invite YOUNG researchers and practitioners to present their (ongoing or completed) research projects or good practice projects on the above topic in a speech or performance of 10 minutes. A jury will rate your performance and the winner will be awarded with 1.000 Euro. All 6 invited speakers will have the opportunity to participate in the subsequent panel about their topics.

Please submit your contribution and a brief CV until February, 28th 2018 to communication{at]eli-net.eu

Prof. Dr. Christine Garbe, Chair of ELINET Association; University of Cologne, Germany
Viv Bird, ex Chief Executive of Booktrust, UK
Prof. Dr. Patricia Schillings, University of Liège, Belgium
Dr. Sari Sulkunen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Prof. Dr. Eufimia Tafa, University of Crete, Greece
Prof. Dr. Renate Valtin, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. William G. Brozo, George-Mason-University, Fairfax, VA, U.S
Drs. Jeroen Clemens, Utrecht, Netherlands
Dr. Fabio Nascimbeni, Universidad International de la Rioja, Spain
Dr. George Manolitsis, University of Crete, Greece
Prof. Dr. Gerry Shiel, St. Patrick ́s College, Dublin, Ireland

University of Cologne, Main Campus, Seminar Building, Albertus- Magnus-Platz 1, 50931 Köln
No conference fees are requested, except a small contribution towards catering. Participants will have to cover travel and accommodation costs by themselves.
Accomodation: The organizing team has reserved rooms in different hotels in Cologne which can be booked individually by participants Details will be communicated on the ELINET platform www.eli- net.eu/events/elinet-association- symposium-2018-cologne/
Conference languages: English (in most sections and plenary events), German is possible for some sessions.

For more information visit the website

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