Literacy Association of Ireland
41st International Conference
Marino Institute of Education, Dublin
October 5th-6th 2017
LAI invites proposals for papers, workshops and poster presentations for its 41st annual international conference. The theme of this year’s conference is Perspectives on Literacy: Bringing voices together.
The conference will explore research and practice across a wide range of topics relating to literacy across all educational sectors (early childhood, Primary, Post-Primary, tertiary and educational services).
Cuirtear fáilte faoi leith roimh pháipéir nó cheardlanna i nGaeilge.
DATE (for all presentations) 6th October 2017
KEYNOTE SPEAKER PJ Lynch. Children’s Laureate, Illustrator, Author
Proposals for papers or workshops (150-300 word abstract) should be submitted by June 12th, 2017, using the electronic form at
Queries by e-mail to
Please watch our website for ongoing updates and follow us on Twitter @LiteracyIRL
De Literacy Association of Ireland is lid van het International Development in Europe Committee van de International Literacy Association en van de Federation of European Literacy Associations. Van beide professionele netwerken ben ik ook lid.